AWS S3 Presigned URL Upload Tutorial in Python
How to generate pre-signed url, and how to upload file using the generated url using python
What are the signed URL?
Pre-signed URLs are useful if you want your user/customer to be able to upload a specific object to your bucket, but you don't require them to have AWS security credentials or permissions. When you create a pre-signed URL, you must provide your security credentials and then specify a bucket name, an object key, an HTTP method (PUT for uploading objects), and an expiration date and time. The pre-signed URLs are valid only for the specified duration.
A user can either READ the object or WRITE an object or update existing one, A pre-signed URL uses three parameters to limit the access to the user:
Bucket: The bucket that the object is in (or will be in)
Key: The name of the object
Expires: The amount of time that the URL is valid
Why pre-signed URL ?
The presigned URLs are useful if you want your user/customer to be able to upload a specific object to your bucket, but you don't require them to have AWS security credentials or permissions.
In this article, i will provide a very pure example of generating AWS S3 presigned URL with Python.
How to generate presigned URL for uploading an object?
s3_client = boto3.client('s3',config=Config(signature_version='s3v4'))
def generate_upload_object_presignedurl(bucket, keypath, ExpiresIn=3600):
presignedurl=s3_client.generate_presigned_url('put_object', Params={
'Bucket': bucket, 'Key': keypath,},
ExpiresIn=ExpiresIn, HttpMethod='PUT')
return presignedurl
How to upload using the presigned URL that we generated previously ?
How to get back the object using the presingurl GetObject?
def generate_presigned_url(bucket,key_path,ExpiresIn=3600):
Params={'Bucket': bucket,
'Key': key_path},
return presignedurl
Further Reading
Using Signed URLs
Share an Object with Others